Amy Evans / エイミー・エバンズ
Director / ディレクター
Ms. Evans holds a Masters in Special Education and a Masters in Elementary Education, both from the United States, and has over thirteen years of experience as a classroom and learning support teacher. She is also a Certified Dyslexia Practitioner through the Wilson Reading System, and has experience working with students of all ages who have learning disabilities. Ms. Evans joined our team in August 2019, and provides individual sessions for clients at the KENTO Center, as well as teacher trainings and consultation services at international schools. She is originally from the northeastern United States.
アメリカ北東部出身。米国資格小学校および特別支援教育の修士号取得者であり、米国にて学級担任および支援教師として13年以上の指導経験を持つ。これに加え、ウィルソン・リーディング・システムより認定された失読症療法士であり、学習障がいを持つ全世代のクライアントと働いた経験も持つ。同氏は最近KENTO センター入社、クライアント個人セッション、また関西地区のインターナショナルスクールにて校内支援にあたる。

Katie Benitez / ケイティー・ベニテズ
School Psychologist / 学校心理士
Ms. Benitez holds a Masters in School Psychology from the United States, and is certified to practice in the state of California. She joined KENTO Center in August 2019 to provide school psychology services at the Center and within the international schools in the area. She currently provides in-school services at two different international schools during the week. She also provides educational/psychological assessments for children, teacher training and support, and counseling sessions. She is originally from the northwestern United States.
アメリカ北西部出身。米国資格スクールサイコロジー修士号取得。カリフォルニア州開業認定取得者。 校内・療育施設における学校心理学サービス提供のため2019年の8月にKENTO センターに入社。現在は同センターでの働きに加え、他2件のインターナショナルスクール(大阪・神戸)で校内サービスを提供している。子どもの心理アセスメント、教師トレーニングおよび支援、カウンセリングセッションを同センターにて担当。
Yuko Hasegawa /長谷川 悠子
Occupational Therapist / 作業療法士
Ms.Hasegawa is a certified occupational therapist in Japan. She has experience supporting adults with mental disorders in a psychiatric hospital. After working as a learning support assistant at a public elementary school, she was involved in the establishment of a day-care center for children with special needs in Osaka, where she provided individual sessions and family support for children (mainly ASD and ADHD) to help them with their motor and communication difficulties. She joined KENTO Center in October 2020 and now provides individual sessions for clients.

Sayaka Nakakuki / 中久木 明香
Office Manager / オフィスマネージャー
Mrs. Nakakuki was born in Kagoshima Prefecture. She has studied music therapy in Japan and the U.S., and has worked as a music therapist for children and as an administrative staff at a school with foreign staff. She joined KENTO Center in November 2020 and is in charge of staff and operational support. She is mainly engaged in management of the organization and interpreting and translating for the general operations. She is also a mother of three children.
鹿児島県生まれ。日本と米国にて音楽療法を学び、小児対象の音楽療法士や外国人スタッフのいる学校の事務員として働いた経験あり。2020年11月よりKENTO Centerへ入社。スタッフ及び業務サポートを担当。主に法人の一般業務や運営に関する通訳 翻訳に従事。3児の母でもある